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Modern budget friendly double storey house

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Modern budget friendly double storey house

Today we have brought you a Modern budget friendly double storey house. This home is situated near Tirur, Kerala. Exterior look of the home is made elegant and attractive. This is a 4BHK double storey home built up area is 2350 square feet. Total land area of this Modern budget friendly double storey house is 10 cent plot and estimated construction cost is 38 lakh.

This is a flat roof box style home design, all roofs are done in flat roof style. Beautiful concrete  four side boundary increase the beauty and safety of this home.Now we can explore this beautiful home.

Elegant and attractive exterior home design

First on the front area we see an open sit out with enough spacing. Porch is attached with sit out and both are supported with thick pillars. Stylish windows and doors are done here and also painted with elegant white color paint. And also we can see a projected box style cutting wall around the window at the left side, and beautiful ceramic wall tiles are applied on the third area of this wall.

Moving on we see a living area with Cushion sofa and coffee table. Fall ceiling work is done in simple work. We are step into the hall we see a wooden table with chairs. The washing area have two simple basin and storage cabin is available under the basin. We can see some pergolas in between the living and dining wall.

Moving to the kitchen we see the modular kitchen with shelf and cupboards. kitchen id designed very elegantly more storage purpose cupboard are done here. Kitchen leads to work area, fire places and shelf and racks are also available here.

It is the Prayer area. Now we can check the bedrooms. See the bedroom arrangements. Moving to second bedroom , we see almost same design as previous one, also bath attached. Checking with the first floor, The stair rail is made is with steel. Moving on, we see the hallway. We can enjoy a scenic view from the open terrace.

Checking with the bedrooms, we see similar to previous ones. On the fourth bedroom no cot is placed. This is the balcony area. View from here is directing to the highway. If anyone wants to built this Modern budget friendly double storey house please contact us for more information…..

Design ID Ground Floor                              First floor  
DHZ101021 Sit out                                     2 Bedroom 2 attached  
Bedroom 2 Bedroom 2 attached                living  
4 living                                         Balcony  
Built up Area kitchen  
2350 sq ft Dining  
Land area work area  
 10 cent store

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