10 cent home design, 3001 - 3500 square feet home design, 51 - 60 lac home design, 6 bedroom home design, Double storey home design, Flat roof home design, Home design, Kerala home design, Modern home design

Luxury home design on 6 bedroom

Luxury home design on 6 bedroom

Luxury home design on 6 bedroom

The dreams that we are seeing is our passion. Here is another modern home design  that we are presenting for you so please watch this marvelous design . Give your opinion on this design. This is a luxury home design on 6 bedrooms. Here we can see the home with flat roofing.

The total square feet of the house is 3530, and the square feet of ground floor is 2442, and first floor is 1097. This is designed by D-Arc  Kerala. Cost of construction is 58 lakh, which is always a huge expense. The total land area required for this luxury home plan is 10 cent.

In the ground floor we can see a sit out which is in the side. The door next to sit out is towards living area. Extending from living area there have a dining space. Attached to dining area there have the kitchen with store facility and behind that there lies the work area. There have 4 bedrooms with attached baths and dressing rooms. Another thing that setted there is patio, common bath and common dressing room.

Mind Blowing Luxury Home design

The staircase is also in the living area. Next we are going towards the first floor there lies a living room common for all. And the other two rooms with attached baths and dressing room just lies one opposite to the other .

From the living area we can view the balcony on the center of the house. On the other side there we can see the open terrace which is having enough space. The colour white gives the home more luxurious look. This  luxury home design model is really a great one for those who are searching for luxury house with huge expense and all its facilities.

So never ignore this design home which makes an extra pride. If you are willing to construct this plan than come on and make it fast. Contact us without wasting your time.

Design ID Ground Floor                                first floor
DHZ12421 Sit out
Bedroom 4 Bedroom 4 attached                 2 bed with 2 attached bath
6 Porch                                          living
Home area Living                                          Balcony
3530 sq ft Dining
Land area work area
10 cent Kitchen