1001 - 1500 square feet home design, 11 - 20 lac home design, 3 bedroom home design, 5 cent home design, Contemporary home design, Double storey home design, Home design, Kerala home design, Modern home design, Sloping roof home design

Contemporary house with a budget friendly design

Contemporary house with a budget friendly design

Contemporary house with a budget friendly design

Give your attention towards a contemporary house with a budget friendly design. Now we will do it for you in your doorstep. See the presentation and think about your dream. What will happened when your dream fulfill easily with low cost? We are here for that, so don’t afraid of your sum and we will show you your dream home with the sum you have saved.

Today we are presenting a beautiful contemporary house with two storey. This house have 3 bedrooms,2 in ground floor and 1 in the first floor. It is a stylish Kerala design. The land area that required for this construction is 5 cent. It is having 1300 sqft and cost of construction is in between 10 to 20 lakhs that is an impressive cost. On the other hand it is a contemporary home design by Arc Builders with mixed roof. In the entrance there we have a comfortable sit out made by pillars and an attached porch parallel to it.

Modern contemporary house plan with a elegant design

Next to sit out there extended the living space with dining room and 2 bedrooms with attached baths each. The next is the kitchen, inside the kitchen there we can see the store room. The work area is extended from there. Now we can pass through the first floor. The staircase that help us to reach there is situated in the living area.

When we reach in the top we can see a hall common for all, with all its settings. On the other side there lies a bath attached bed. Balcony is just opposite to it. This design is provided by Darc builders and engineers. The color combination gives a gorgeous approach to the home.

So never hesitate to approve this design which you are searching for. It will be the best things that you had preferred. We will help you to do it with all our potential and follow us. Succeed your dream home with royal appearance.

Design ID Ground Floor                                first floor
DHZ18521 Sit out
Bedroom 2 Bedroom 2 attached                 1 bed with 1 attached bath
3 porch
Built up Area kitchen                                        balcony
1300 sq ft Dining
Land area work area
5 cent store