Great looking contemporary style home design

Great looking contemporary style home design
Peoples always like to try different style of roofing ,because of contemporary style home designs are always attractive. So today we come up with Great looking contemporary style home design.
This is a 4 BHK double storey home design along with variety style roofings. Sloping, arc and flat roofing is used here. It included all modern features with spacious like porch, sit out, living, dining, kitchen, work area, 4 bed with attached bath, balcony etc..
Features of this stylish home
Total built up area is 2371 square feet, ground floor 1500 square feet and first floor is 871 square feet. Estimated construction cost is 40 lakh. Required land area is 8 cent land plot.
Open style vast space sit out is supported with two thick pillars, half area of sit out is designed with brick style. porch is attached to the sit out along with arc roof and also supported with same pattern pillars of sit out. Windows and doors are designed elegantly. At the left side wall is decorated with horizontal grooves line designs.
At the ground floor sun roofs are slope style and first floor it is flat style. All roofs are covered with roofing bronze. Look at the first floor we can see attracted vast space balcony supported with pillars. Pergolas done on the wall it is helps to entering more lights inside the home, so get more visibility.
slope arc and flat roofs are done at the top, White yellow grey and maroon color combination of paint gives more attraction to this design. We get open terrace at the back side. beautiful yard is set here. Totally we get an Great looking contemporary style home design . If any one wants to built this Great looking contemporary style home design please contact us. We always ready to hear you, so don’t hesitate. Also keep touch with us for getting more home designs in different categories….
Design ID | Ground Floor First floor | |
DHZ111021 | Sit out 2 Bedroom 2 attached | |
Bedroom | 2 Bedroom 2 attached living | |
4 | living Balcony | |
Built up Area | kitchen | |
2371 sq ft | Dining | |
Land area | work area | |
8 cent | store |